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Combobox: Use Cases

A combobox is a widget made up of the combination of two distinct elements:

  • a single-line textbox
  • an associated listbox overlay

Based on the combobox configuration and entered textbox value, options in the listbox will be filtered, checked, focused and the textbox value may be autocompleted. Optionally the combobox contains a graphical button adjacent to the textbox, indicating the availability of the popup.

Fore more information, consult Combobox wai-aria design pattern

Require option match

By default requireOptionMatch is set to true, which means that the listbox is leading. The textbox is a helping aid to quickly select an option/options. Unmatching input values become Unparseable, with the MatchesOption set as a default validator.

When requireOptionMatch is set to false the textbox is leading, with the listbox as an aid to supply suggestions, e.g. a search input. This means that all input values are allowed.

export const optionMatch = () => html`
  <lion-combobox name="search" label="Search" .requireOptionMatch="${false}">
    ${lazyRender( => html` <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry}">${entry}</lion-option> `),


Below you will find an overview of all possible autocomplete behaviors and how they correspond to the configurable values none, list, inline and both.

  • list shows a list on keydown character press
  • filter filters list of potential matches according to matchmode or provided matchCondition
  • focus automatically focuses closest match (makes it the activedescendant)
  • check automatically checks/selects closest match when selection-follows-focus is enabled (this is the default configuration)
  • complete completes the textbox value inline (the 'missing characters' will be added as selected text)

When autocomplete="none" is configured, the suggested options in the overlay are not filtered based on the characters typed in the textbox. Selection will happen manually by the user.

export const autocompleteNone = () => html`
  <lion-combobox name="combo" label="Autocomplete 'none'" autocomplete="none">
    ${lazyRender( => html` <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry}">${entry}</lion-option> `),

When autocomplete="list" is configured, it will filter listbox suggestions based on textbox value.

export const autocompleteList = () => html`
  <lion-combobox name="combo" label="Autocomplete 'list'" autocomplete="list">
    ${lazyRender( => html` <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry}">${entry}</lion-option> `),

When autocomplete="inline" is configured, it will present a value completion prediction inside the text input itself. It does NOT filter list of potential matches.

export const autocompleteInline = () => html`
  <lion-combobox name="combo" label="Autocomplete 'inline'" autocomplete="inline">
    ${lazyRender( => html` <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry}">${entry}</lion-option> `),

When autocomplete="both" is configured, it combines the filtered list from 'list' with the text input value completion prediction from 'inline'. This is the default value for autocomplete.

export const autocompleteBoth = () => html`
  <lion-combobox name="combo" label="Autocomplete 'both'" autocomplete="both">
    ${lazyRender( => html` <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry}">${entry}</lion-option> `),

Match Mode

When match-mode="begin" is applied, the entered text in the textbox only filters options whose values begin with the entered text. For instance, the entered text 'ch' will match with value 'Chard', but not with 'Artichoke'. By default match-mode="all" is applied. This will also match parts of a word. So 'ch' will both match 'Chard' and 'Artichoke'.

export const matchModeBegin = () => html`
  <lion-combobox name="combo" label="Match Mode 'begin'" match-mode="begin">
    ${lazyRender( => html` <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry}">${entry}</lion-option> `),
export const matchModeAll = () => html`
  <lion-combobox name="combo" label="Match Mode 'all'" match-mode="all">
    ${lazyRender( => html` <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry}">${entry}</lion-option> `),

When the preconfigurable match-mode conditions are not sufficient, one can define a custom matching function. The example below matches when the Levenshtein distance is below 3 (including some other conditions).

export const customMatchCondition = () => html`
    label="Custom Match Mode 'levenshtein'"
    help-text="Spelling mistakes will be forgiven. Try typing 'Aple' instead of 'Apple'"
    .matchCondition="${({ choiceValue }, textboxValue) => {
      const oVal = choiceValue.toLowerCase();
      const tVal = textboxValue.toLowerCase();
      const t = 1; // treshold
      return oVal.slice(0, t) === tVal.slice(0, t) && levenshtein(oVal, tVal) < 3;
    ${lazyRender( => html` <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry}">${entry}</lion-option> `),


export const showAllOnEmpty = () => html`
    label="Show all on empty"
    help-text="Shows all (options) on empty (textbox has no value)"
    ${lazyRender( => html` <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry}">${entry}</lion-option> `),

Changing defaults

By default selection-follows-focus will be true (aligned with the wai-aria examples and the native <datalist>). It is possible to disable this behavior, so the active/focused and checked/selected values will be kept track of independently.

Note that, (just like in a listbox), selection-follows-focus will never be applicable for multiselect comboboxes.

export const noSelectionFollowsFocus = () => html`
  <lion-combobox name="combo" label="No Selection Follows focus" .selectionFollowsFocus="${false}">
    ${lazyRender( => html` <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry}">${entry}</lion-option> `),

By default rotate-keyboard-navigation will be true (aligned with the wai-aria examples and the natve <datalist>). It is possible to disable this behavior, see example below

export const noRotateKeyboardNavigation = () => html`
    label="No Rotate Keyboard Navigation"
    ${lazyRender( => html` <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry}">${entry}</lion-option> `),

Multiple choice

Add multiple-choice flag to allow multiple values to be selected. This will:

  • keep the listbox overlay open on click of an option
  • display a list of selected option representations next to the text box
  • make the value of type Array instead of String

Please note that the lion-combobox-selection-display below is not exposed and only serves as an example. The selection part of a multiselect combobox is not yet accessible. Please keep in mind that for now, as a Subclasser, you would have to take care of this part yourself. Also keep in mind that the combobox organizes the selected list by its original index in the option list

export const multipleChoice = () => html`
  <lion-combobox name="combo" label="Multiple" multiple-choice>
      style="display: contents;"
        (entry, i) => html`
          <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry}" ?checked="${i === 0}">${entry}</lion-option>

Alternatively, the multi-choice flag can be combined with .requireMultipleMatch=false to allow users to enter their own options.

Note that the non-matching items will be displayed in the end of the list in the order that were entered. Since those have no index in the option list, they don't have a representing value in the checkedIndex property.

export const multipleCustomizableChoice = () => html`
  <lion-combobox name="combo" label="Multiple" .requireOptionMatch="${false}" multiple-choice>
      style="display: contents;"
        (entry, i) => html`
          <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry}" ?checked="${i === 0}">${entry}</lion-option>


The combobox works with a Required validator to check if it is empty.

By default the a check is made which makes sure the value matches an option. This only works if requireOptionMatch is set to true.

export const validation = () => html`
  <lion-combobox name="combo" label="Validation" .validators="${[new Required()]}">
    ${lazyRender( => html` <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry}">${entry}</lion-option> `),

Invoker button

export const invokerButton = () => html`
    label="Invoker Button"
    @click="${({ currentTarget: el }) => {
      el.opened = !el.opened;
    <button slot="suffix" type="button" tabindex="-1">▼</button>
    ${lazyRender( => html` <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry}">${entry}</lion-option> `),

Server interaction

It's possible to fetch data from server side. When options are rerendered into the combobox, the autocompletion (highlighting/selecting etc.) functionality of the combobox is triggered.

const comboboxData = ['lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor', 'sit', 'amet'];
let rejectPrev;
 * @param {string} val
function fetchMyData(val) {
  if (rejectPrev) {
  const results = listboxData.filter(item => item.toLowerCase().includes(val.toLowerCase()));
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    rejectPrev = reject;
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 1000);
class DemoServerSide extends LitElement {
  static get properties() {
    return { options: { type: Array } };

  constructor() {
    /** @type {string[]} */
    this.options = [];

  get combobox() {
    return /** @type {LionCombobox} */ (this.shadowRoot?.querySelector('#combobox'));

   * @param {InputEvent & {target: HTMLInputElement}} e
  async fetchMyDataAndRender(e) {
    this.loading = true;
    try {
      this.options = await fetchMyData(;
      this.loading = false;
    } catch (_) {}

  render() {
    return html`
        .helpText="Returned from server: [${this.options.join(', ')}]"
        <label slot="label" aria-live="polite"
          >Server side completion
          ${this.loading ? html`<span style="font-style: italic;">(loading...)</span>` : ''}</label
          entry => entry,
          entry => html` <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry}">${entry}</lion-option> `,
customElements.define('demo-server-side', DemoServerSide);
export const serverSideCompletion = () => html`<demo-server-side></demo-server-side>`;

Complex options

For performance reasons a complex object in the choiceValue property is unwanted. But it is possible to create more complex options.

To highlight the correct elements of the option, each element should be tagged with a data-key attribute. Which will be used in the _onFilterMatch and _onFilterUnmatch functions.

class ComplexObjectCombobox extends LionCombobox {
   * @overridable
   * @param {LionOption & {__originalInnerHTML?:string}} option
   * @param {string} matchingString
   * @protected
  _onFilterMatch(option, matchingString) {
    Array.from(option.children).forEach(child => {
      if (child.hasAttribute('data-key')) {
        this._highlightMatchedOption(child, matchingString);
    // Alternatively, an extension can add an animation here = '';

   * @overridable
   * @param {LionOption & {__originalInnerHTML?:string}} option
   * @param {string} [curValue]
   * @param {string} [prevValue]
   * @protected
  _onFilterUnmatch(option, curValue, prevValue) {
    Array.from(option.children).forEach(child => {
      if (child.hasAttribute('data-key')) {
    // Alternatively, an extension can add an animation here = 'none';

customElements.define('complex-object-combobox', ComplexObjectCombobox);

const onModelValueChanged = event => {
  console.log(` ${JSON.stringify(}`);

export const complexObjectChoiceValue = () =>
  html` <complex-object-combobox
    label="Display only the label once selected"
        entry => html`
          <lion-option .choiceValue="${entry.label}">
            <div data-key>${entry.label}</div>

Listbox compatibility

All configurations that can be applied to lion-listbox, can be applied to lion-combobox as well. See the listbox documentation for more information.