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Fieldset: Overview

A web component that can be used to group multiple input fields or other fieldsets together.

export const main = () => html`
  <lion-fieldset name="nameGroup" label="Name">
    <lion-input name="firstName" label="First Name" .modelValue="${'Foo'}"></lion-input>
    <lion-input name="lastName" label="Last Name" .modelValue="${'Bar'}"></lion-input>

We have three specific fieldset implementations:

A native fieldset element should always have a legend-element for a11y purposes. However, our fieldset element is not native and should not have a legend-element. Our fieldset instead has a label attribute or you can add a label with a div- or heading-element using slot="label".


  • Easy retrieval of form data based on field names
  • Advanced user interaction scenarios via interaction states
  • Can have validate on fieldset level and shows the validation feedback below the fieldset
  • Can disable input fields on fieldset level
  • Accessible out of the box


npm i --save @lion/ui
import { LionFieldset } from '@lion/ui/fieldset.js';
// or
import '@lion/ui/define/lion-fieldset.js';