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Input Email: Use Cases

Faulty Prefilled

When prefilling with a faulty input, an error feedback message will show.

Use loadDefaultFeedbackMessages to get our default feedback messages displayed on it.

export const faultyPrefilled = () => html`
  <lion-input-email .modelValue="${'foo'}" label="Email"></lion-input-email>

Custom Validator

export const customValidator = () => {
  class GmailOnly extends Validator {
    static get validatorName() {
      return 'GmailOnly';
    execute(value) {
      let hasError = false;
      if (!(value.indexOf('') !== -1)) {
        hasError = true;
      return hasError;
    static async getMessage() {
      return 'You can only use email addresses.';
  return html`
      .validators="${[new GmailOnly()]}"