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Input Tel: Use Cases

Regions: some context

Say we have the following telephone number from Madrid, Spain: +34919930432.

It contains a country code (34), an area code (91) and a dial code (+34 91). Input Tel interprets phone numbers based on their region code: a two character long region representation('ES' in the telephone number above).

The table below lists all possible regions worldwide. When allowed regions are not configured, all of them will be supported as values of Input Tel.

Active region

The active region (accessible via readonly accessor .activeRegion) determines how validation and formatting should be applied. It is dependent on the following factors:

What follows from the list above is that .activeRegion can change dynamically, after a value change in the text box by the user (or when locales or allowed regions would be changed by the Application Developer).

How active region is computed

The following heuristic will be applied:

  1. check for allowed regions: if one region defined in .allowedRegions, use it.
  2. check for user input: try to derive active region from user input
  3. check for locale: try to get the region from locale (html[lang] attribute)
export const heuristic = () => {

  const initialAllowedRegions = ['CN', 'ES'];
  const [inputTelRef, outputRef, selectRef] = [createRef(), createRef(), createRef()];

  const setDerivedActiveRegionScenario = (
    inputTel = inputTelRef.value,
    output = outputRef.value,
  ) => {
    if (scenarioToSet === 'only-allowed-region') {
      // activeRegion will be the top allowed region, which is 'NL'
      inputTel.modelValue = undefined;
      inputTel.allowedRegions = ['NL']; // activeRegion will always be the only option
      output.innerText = '.activeRegion (NL) is only allowed region';
    } else if (scenarioToSet === 'user-input') {
      // activeRegion will be based on phone number => 'BE'
      inputTel.allowedRegions = ['NL', 'BE', 'DE'];
      inputTel.modelValue = '+3261234567'; // BE number
      output.innerText = '.activeRegion (BE) is derived (since within allowedRegions)';
    } else if (scenarioToSet === 'locale') {
      localize.locale = 'en-GB';
      // activeRegion will be `html[lang]`
      inputTel.modelValue = undefined;
      inputTel.allowedRegions = undefined;
      output.innerText = `.activeRegion (${inputTel._langIso}) set to locale when inside allowed or all regions`;
    } else {
      output.innerText = '';
  return html`
      aria-label="Set scenario"
      @change="${({ target }) => setDerivedActiveRegionScenario(target.value)}"
      <option value="">--- select scenario ---</option>
      <option value="only-allowed-region">1. only allowed region</option>
      <option value="user-input">2. user input</option>
      <option value="locale">3. locale</option>
    <output style="display:block; min-height: 1.5em;" id="myOutput" ${ref(outputRef)}></output>
      @model-value-changed="${({ detail }) => {
        if (detail.isTriggeredByUser && selectRef.value) {
          selectRef.value.value = '';
      label="Active region"
          name: 'all or allowed regions',
          processor: el => JSON.stringify(el._allowedOrAllRegions),

Allowed regions

.allowedRegions is an array of one or more region codes. Once it is configured, validation and formatting will be restricted to those values that are present in this list.

Note that for InputTelDropdown, only allowed regions will be shown in the dropdown list.

export const allowedRegions = () => {
  return html`
      label="Allowed regions 'NL', 'BE', 'DE'"
      help-text="Type '+31'(NL), '+32'(BE) or '+49'(DE) and see how activeRegion changes"
      .allowedRegions="${['NL', 'BE', 'DE']}"
      .show="${['modelValue', 'activeRegion']}"

Restrict to one region

When one allowed region is configured, validation and formatting will be restricted to just that region (that means that changes of the region via viewValue won't have effect).

export const oneAllowedRegion = () => {
  return html`
      label="Only allowed region 'DE'"
      help-text="Restricts validation / formatting to one region"
      .show="${['modelValue', 'activeRegion', 'validationStates']}"


Format strategy

Determines what the formatter output should look like. Formatting strategies as provided by awesome-phonenumber / google-libphonenumber.

Possible values:

international+46 70 712 34 56
national070-712 34 56

Also see:

export const formatStrategy = () => {
  const inputTel = createRef();
  return html`
    <select @change="${({ target }) => (inputTel.value.formatStrategy = target.value)}">
      <option value="e164">e164</option>
      <option value="international">international</option>
      <option value="national">national</option>
      <option value="significant">significant</option>
      <option value="rfc3966">rfc3966</option>
      label="Format strategy"
      help-text="Choose a strategy above"
      .show="${['modelValue', 'formatStrategy']}"

Format country code style

You can also style the country code with parentheses.

export const formatCountryCodeStyle = () => {
  const inputTel = createRef();
  return html`
    <select @change="${({ target }) => (inputTel.value.formatStrategy = target.value)}">
      <option value="e164">e164</option>
      <option value="international">international</option>
      <option value="rfc3966">rfc3966</option>
      label="Format strategy"
      help-text="Choose a strategy above"
      .show="${['modelValue', 'formatStrategy']}"

Live format

Type '6' in the example below to see how the phone number is formatted during typing.

See awesome-phonenumber documentation

export const liveFormat = () => {
  return html`
      label="Realtime format on user input"
      help-text="Partial numbers are also formatted"
      .modelValue="${new Unparseable('+31')}"

Active phone number type

The readonly acessor .activePhoneNumberType outputs the current phone number type, based on the textbox value.

Possible types: fixed-line, fixed-line-or-mobile, mobile, pager, personal-number, premium-rate, shared-cost, toll-free, uan, voip, unknown

Also see:

export const activePhoneNumberType = () => {
  return html`
      label="Active phone number type"