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Input: Use Cases


Can be provided via the label attribute or via the slot="label".

export const label = () => html` <lion-input label="Input" name="input"></lion-input> `;

Label sr-only (a11y)

Can be provided via the label-sr-only boolean attribute.

The label will be hidden, but still readable by screen readers.

export const labelSrOnly = () => html`
  <lion-input label-sr-only label="Input" name="input"></lion-input>

Note: Once we support the ElementInternals API, the equivalent will be <lion-input aria-label="Input" name="input"></lion-input>


A helper text shown below the label to give extra clarification.

Just like the label, a help-text can be provided via the help-text attribute, a slot can be used to change the html and CSS of the help-text. For example add an anchor with further explanation.

export const helpText = () => html`
    <label slot="label">Label</label>
    <div slot="help-text">
      Help text using <a href="" target="_blank">html</a>


export const prefilled = () => html`
  <lion-input .modelValue="${'Prefilled value'}" label="Prefilled"></lion-input>

Read only

readonly attribute will be delegated to the native <input> to make it read-only.

This field will still be included in the parent fieldset or form's serializedValue.

export const readOnly = () => html`
  <lion-input readonly .modelValue="${'This is read only'}" label="Read only"></lion-input>


disabled attribute will be delegated to the native <input> to make it disabled.

This field will not be included in the parent fieldset or form's serializedValue.

export const disabled = () => html`
  <lion-input disabled .modelValue="${'This is disabled'}" label="Disabled"></lion-input>