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Listbox: API Table

class: LionListbox, lion-listbox


NamePrivacyTypeDefaultDescriptionInherited From
_feedbackConditionMetaprotectedAllows Subclassers to add meta info for feedbackConditionValidateMixin
_focusableNodeprotectedHTMLElementThe focusable element: could be an input, textarea, select, button or any other element with tabindex > -1FocusMixin
_inputNodeprotectedThe interactive (form) element. Can be a native element like input/textarea/select or an element with tabindex > -1FormControlMixin
checkedIndexpublicnumber | number[]ListboxMixin
hasNoDefaultSelectedpublicbooleanfalseWhen setting this to true, on initial render, no option will be selected. It is advisable to override `_noSelectionTemplate` method in the select-invoker to render some kind of placeholder initiallyListboxMixin
orientationpublicstring'vertical'Informs screen reader and affects keyboard navigation. By default 'vertical'ListboxMixin
rotateKeyboardNavigationpublicbooleanfalseWill give first option active state when navigated to the next option from last option.ListboxMixin
selectionFollowsFocuspublicbooleanfalseWhen true, will synchronize activedescendant and selected element on arrow key navigation. This behavior can usually be seen on <select> on the Windows platform. Note that this behavior cannot be used when multiple-choice is true. See:
_noTypeAheadpublicbooleanfalseWhen false, a user can type on which the focus will jump to the matching optionListboxMixin
_typeAheadTimeoutprotectednumber1000The pending char sequence that will set active list itemListboxMixin
_listboxActiveDescendantprotectednumber | nullnullListboxMixin
_repropagationRolepublic'child'|'choice-group'|'fieldset''choice-group'Based on the role, details of handling model-value-changed repropagation differ.FormControlMixin
_listboxReceivesNoFocusprotectedbooleanfalseWhen listbox is coupled to a textbox (in case we are dealing with a combobox), spaces should not select an element (they need to be put in the textbox)ListboxMixin
_oldModelValueprotectedstring | string[] | undefinedundefinedListboxMixin
labelpublicstring''The label text for the input node. When no value is defined, textContent of [slot=label] will be usedFormControlMixin
helpTextpublicstring''The helpt text for the input node. When no value is defined, textContent of [slot=help-text] will be usedFormControlMixin
fieldNamepublicstringWill be used in validation messages to refer to the current fieldFormControlMixin
_labelNodeprotectedElement where label will be rendered toFormControlMixin
_helpTextNodeprotectedElement where help text will be rendered toFormControlMixin
_feedbackNodeprotectedElement where validation feedback will be rendered toFormControlMixin
readOnlypublicbooleanfalseA Boolean attribute which, if present, indicates that the user should not be able to edit the value of the input. The difference between disabled and readonly is that read-only controls can still function, whereas disabled controls generally do not function as controls until they are enabled. (From:
labelSrOnlypublicbooleanfalseThe label will only be visible for srceen readers when trueFormControlMixin
_inputIdprotectedstringUnique id that can be used in all light domFormControlMixin
_ariaLabelledNodespublicHTMLElement[][]Contains all elements that should end up in aria-labelledby of `._inputNode`FormControlMixin
_ariaDescribedNodespublicHTMLElement[][]Contains all elements that should end up in aria-describedby of `._inputNode`FormControlMixin
_isRepropagationEndpointpublicbooleanfalseBy default, a field with _repropagationRole 'choice-group' will act as an 'endpoint'. This means it will be considered as an individual field: for a select, individual options will not be part of the formPath. They will. Similarly, components that (a11y wise) need to be fieldsets, but 'interaction wise' (from Application Developer perspective) need to be more like fields (think of an amount-input with a currency select box next to it), can set this to true to hide private internals in the formPath.FormControlMixin
operationModepublicOperationModeTypes of input interaction of the FormControl (for instance 'enter'|'select'|'upload')ValidateMixin
multipleChoicepublicbooleanfalseWhen false (default), modelValue and serializedValue will reflect the currently selected choice (usually a string). When true, modelValue will and serializedValue will be an array of strings.ChoiceGroupMixin
formElementspublicFormControlsCollectionnew FormControlsCollection()Closely mimics the natively supported HTMLFormControlsCollection. It can be accessed both like an array and an object (based on control/element names).FormRegistrarMixin
_isFormOrFieldsetprotectedbooleanfalseFlag that determines how ".formElements" should behave. For a regular fieldset (see LionFieldset) we expect ".formElements" to be accessible as an object. In case of a radio-group, a checkbox-group or a select/listbox, it should act like an array (see ChoiceGroupMixin). Usually, when false, we deal with a choice-group (radio-group, checkbox-group, (multi)select)FormRegistrarMixin
initCompletepublicPromise<any>new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.__resolveInitComplete = resolve; this.__rejectInitComplete = reject; })initComplete resolves after all pending initialization logic (for instance `<form-group .serializedValue=$>`) is executedFormRegistrarMixin
registrationCompletepublicPromise<any> & {done?:boolean}new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.__resolveRegistrationComplete = resolve; this.__rejectRegistrationComplete = reject; })registrationComplete waits for all children formElements to have registeredFormRegistrarMixin
focusedpublicbooleanfalseWhether the focusable element within (`._focusableNode`) is focused. Reflects to attribute '[focused]' as a styling hookFocusMixin
focusedVisiblepublicbooleanfalseWhether the focusable element within (`._focusableNode`) matches ':focus-visible' Reflects to attribute '[focused-visible]' as a styling hook See:
touchedpublicbooleanfalseTrue when user has focused and left(blurred) the field.InteractionStateMixin
dirtypublicbooleanfalseTrue when user has changed the value of the field.InteractionStateMixin
prefilledpublicbooleanfalseTrue when user has left non-empty field or input is prefilled. The name must be seen from the point of view of the input field: once the user enters the input field, the value is non-empty.InteractionStateMixin
filledpublicbooleanfalseTrue when the modelValue is non-empty (see _isEmpty in FormControlMixin)InteractionStateMixin
_leaveEventprotectedstring'blur'The event that triggers the touched stateInteractionStateMixin
_valueChangedEventprotectedstring'model-value-changed'The event that triggers the dirty stateInteractionStateMixin
_allValidatorsprotectedValidator[]Combination of validators provided by Application Developer and the default validatorsValidateMixin
hasFeedbackForpublicValidationType[][]As soon as validation happens (after modelValue/validators/validator param change), this array is updated with the active ValidationTypes ('error'|'warning'|'success'|'info' etc.). Notice the difference with `.showsFeedbackFor`, which filters `.hasFeedbackFor` based on `.feedbackCondition()`. For styling purposes, will be reflected to [has-feedback-for="error warning"]. This can be useful for subtle visual feedback on keyup, like a red/green border around an input.ValidateMixin
showsFeedbackForpublicValidationType[][]Based on outcome of feedbackCondition, this array decides what ValidationTypes should be shown in validationFeedback, based on meta data like interaction states. For styling purposes, it reflects it `[shows-feedback-for="error warning"]`ValidateMixin
validationStatespublicValidationStates{}The outcome of a validation 'round'. Keyed by ValidationType and Validator nameValidateMixin
isPendingpublicbooleanfalseFlag indicating whether async validation is pending. Creates attribute [is-pending] as a styling hookValidateMixin
validatorspublicValidator[][]Used by Application Developers to add Validators to a FormControl.ValidateMixin
defaultValidatorspublicValidator[][]Used by Subclassers to add default Validators to a particular FormControl. A date input for instance, always needs the isDate validator.ValidateMixin
_visibleMessagesAmountprotectednumber1The amount of feedback messages that will visible in LionValidationFeedbackValidateMixin


NamePrivacyDescriptionParametersReturnInherited From
setCheckedIndexpublicIf an array is passed for multiple-choice, it will check the indexes in array, and uncheck the rest If a number is passed, the item with the passed index is checked without unchecking others For single choice, __onChildCheckedChanged we ensure that we uncheck siblingsindex: number|number[]ListboxMixin
addFormElementpublicchild: FormControlHost & LionOption, indexToInsertAt: NumberFormRegistrarMixin
resetInteractionStatepublicResets touched and dirty, and recomputes prefilledInteractionStateMixin
_handleTypeAheadprotectedev: KeyboardEvent, { setAsChecked }, options: {setAsChecked:boolean}ListboxMixin
_onListboxContentChangedprotectedA Subclasser can perform additional logic whenever the elements inside the listbox are updated. For instance, when a combobox does server side autocomplete, we want to match highlighted parts client side.ListboxMixin
_getNextEnabledOptionprotectedcurrentIndex: number, offset: numberListboxMixin
_getPreviousEnabledOptionprotectedcurrentIndex: number, offset: numberListboxMixin
_onChildActiveChangedprotected{ target }, ev: Event & { target: LionOption }ListboxMixin
_listboxOnKeyDownprotectedev: KeyboardEventListboxMixin
_listboxOnClickprotectedev: MouseEventListboxMixin
_listboxOnKeyUpprotectedev: KeyboardEventListboxMixin
_scrollIntoViewprotectedel: HTMLElement, scrollTargetEl: HTMLElementListboxMixin
_uncheckChildrenprotectedexclude: LionOption|LionOption[]ListboxMixin
_enhanceLightDomA11yForAdditionalSlotsprotectedEnhances additional slots(prefix, suffix, before, after) defined by developer. When boolean attribute data-label or data-description is found, the slot element will be connected to the input via aria-labelledby or aria-describedbyadditionalSlots: string[]FormControlMixin
__reflectAriaAttrprotectedWill handle help text, validation feedback and character counter, prefix/suffix/before/after (if they contain data-description flag attr). Also, contents of id references that will be put in the <lion-field>._ariaDescribedby property from an external context, will be read by a screen reader.attrName: string, nodes: Element[], reorder: boolean|undefinedFormControlMixin
_inputGroupPrefixTemplateprotectedTemplateResult | nothingFormControlMixin
_inputGroupSuffixTemplateprotectedTemplateResult | nothingFormControlMixin
_isEmptyprotectedUsed for Required validation and computation of interaction statesmodelValue: anybooleanFormControlMixin
_getAriaDescriptionElementsprotectedThis function exposes descripion elements that a FormGroup should expose to its children. See FormGroupMixin.__getAllDescriptionElementsInParentChain()Array.<HTMLElement>FormControlMixin
addToAriaLabelledBypublicAllows to add extra element references to aria-labelledby attribute.element: HTMLElement, { idPrefix = '', reorder = true }, customConfig: {idPrefix?:string; reorder?: boolean}FormControlMixin
removeFromAriaLabelledBypublicAllows to remove element references from aria-labelledby attribute.element: HTMLElementFormControlMixin
addToAriaDescribedBypublicAllows to add element references to aria-describedby attribute.element: HTMLElement, { idPrefix = '', reorder = true }, customConfig: {idPrefix?:string; reorder?: boolean}FormControlMixin
removeFromAriaDescribedBypublicAllows to remove element references from aria-describedby attribute.element: HTMLElementFormControlMixin
__getDirectSlotChildprotectedslotName: stringHTMLElement | undefinedFormControlMixin
_onBeforeRepropagateChildrenValuesprotectedHook for Subclassers to add logic before repropagationev: CustomEventFormControlMixin
__repropagateChildrenValuesprotectedev: CustomEventFormControlMixin
_repropagationConditionprotectedBased on provided target, this condition determines whether received model-value-changed event should be repropagatedtarget: FormControlHostFormControlMixin
_completeRegistrationprotectedResolves the registrationComplete promise. Subclassers can delay if neededFormRegistrarMixin
_getFromAllFormElementsFilterprotectedA filter function which will exclude a form field when returning false By default, exclude form fields which are disabled The type is be passed as well for more fine grained control, e.g. distinguish the filter when fetching modelValue versus serializedValueel: FormControl, type: stringbooleanChoiceGroupMixin
_getFromAllFormElementsprotectedImplicit :(property: string, filterFn: (el: FormControl, property?: string) => boolean{[name:string]: any}ChoiceGroupMixin
_throwWhenInvalidChildModelValueprotectedchild: FormControlChoiceGroupMixin
_checkSingleChoiceElementsprotectedev: CustomEvent & {target:FormControl}ChoiceGroupMixin
_setCheckedElementsprotectedvalue: string | any[], check: FunctionChoiceGroupMixin
isRegisteredFormElementpublicel: ElementWithParentFormGroupFormRegistrarMixin
removeFormElementpublicchild: FormControlHostFormRegistrarMixin
_onRequestToAddFormElementprotectedHook for Subclassers to perform logic before an element is addedev: CustomEventFormRegistrarMixin
_onRequestToChangeFormElementNameprotectedev: CustomEventFormRegistrarMixin
_onRequestToRemoveFormElementprotectedev: CustomEventFormRegistrarMixin
focuspublicCalls `focus()` on focusable element withinFocusMixin
blurpublicCalls `blur()` on focusable element withinFocusMixin
initInteractionStatepublicEvaluations performed on connectedCallback. This method is public, so it can be called at a later moment (when we need to wait for registering children for instance) as well. Since this method will be called twice in last mentioned scenario, it must stay idempotent.InteractionStateMixin
_iStateOnLeaveprotectedSets touched value to true and reevaluates prefilled state. When false, on next interaction, user will start with a clean state.InteractionStateMixin
_iStateOnValueChangeprotectedSets dirty value and validates when already touched or invalidInteractionStateMixin
_onTouchedChangedprotectedDispatches event on touched state changeInteractionStateMixin
_onDirtyChangedprotectedDispatches event on touched state changeInteractionStateMixin
_showFeedbackConditionForprotectedDefault feedbackCondition condition, used by Subclassers, that will be used when `feedbackCondition()` is not overridden by Application Developer. Show the validity feedback when returning true, don't show when falsetype: string, meta: InteractionStatesValidateMixin
validatepublicTriggered by: - modelValue change - change in the 'validators' array - change in the config of an individual Validator Three situations are handled: - a1) the FormControl is empty: further execution is halted. When the Required Validator (being mutually exclusive to the other Validators) is applied, it will end up in the validation result (as the only Validator, since further execution was halted). - a2) there are synchronous Validators: this is the most common flow. When modelValue hasn't changed since last async results were generated, 'sync results' are merged with the 'async results'. - a3) there are asynchronous Validators: for instance when server side evaluation is needed. Executions are scheduled and awaited and the 'async results' are merged with the 'sync results'. - b) there are MetaValidators. After steps a1, a2, or a3 are finished, the holistic MetaValidators (evaluating the total result of the 'regular' (a1, a2 and a3) validators) will be run... Situations a2 and a3 are not mutually exclusive and can be triggered within one `validate()` call. Situation b will occur after every call.{ clearCurrentResult = false }, opts: { clearCurrentResult?: boolean }ValidateMixin
_onValidatorUpdatedprotectede: Event|CustomEventValidateMixin
_updateFeedbackComponentprotectedResponsible for retrieving messages from Validators and (delegation of) rendering them. For `._feedbackNode` (extension of LionValidationFeedback): - retrieve messages from highest prio Validators - provide the result to custom feedback node and let the custom node decide on their renderings In both cases: - we compute the 'show' flag (like 'hasErrorVisible') for all types - we set the customValidity message of the highest prio Validator - we set aria-invalid="true" in case hasErrorVisible is trueValidateMixin
feedbackConditionpublicAllows the Application Developer to specify when a feedback message should be showntype: string, meta: object, currentCondition: ((type: string, meta: object) => boolean)booleanValidateMixin
_hasFeedbackVisibleForprotectedUsed to translate `.hasFeedbackFor` and `.shouldShowFeedbackFor` to `.showsFeedbackFor`type: stringValidateMixin
_prioritizeAndFilterFeedbackprotectedOrders all active validators in this.__validationResult. Can also filter out occurrences (based on interaction states){ validationResult }, opts: { validationResult: Validator[] }Validator[]ValidateMixin


NameTypeDescriptionInherited From
validate-performedEventprivate event that should be listened to by LionFieldSetValidateMixin


NameFieldInherited From

class: LionOption, lion-option


NamePrivacyTypeDefaultDescriptionInherited From
disabledpublicbooleanfalseBoolean indicating whether or not this element is disabled.ChoiceInputMixin
choiceValuepublicstring|anyThe value that will be registered to the modelValue of the parent ChoiceGroup. Recommended to be a stringChoiceInputMixin
modelValuepublic{value:string|any,checked:boolean}{ value: '', checked: false }Whereas 'normal' `.modelValue`s usually store a complex/typed version of a view value, choice inputs have a slightly different approach. In order to remain their Single Source of Truth characteristic, choice inputs store both the value and 'checkedness', in the format { value: 'x', checked: true } Different from the platform, this also allows to serialize the 'non checkedness', allowing to restore form state easily and inform the server about unchecked options.ChoiceInputMixin
valuepublicThe view value. Will be delegated to `._inputNode.value`FormatMixin
formatOnprotectedstring'change'Event that will trigger formatting (more precise, visual update of the view, so the user sees the formatted value) Default: 'change'FormatMixin
formatOptionspublic({})Configuration object that will be available inside the formatter functionFormatMixin
formattedValuepublicstring|undefinedundefinedThe view value is the result of the formatter function (when available). The result will be stored in the native _inputNode (usually an input[type=text]). Examples: - For a date input, this would be '20/01/1999' (dependent on locale). - For a number input, this could be '1,234.56' (a String representation of modelValue 1234.56)FormatMixin
serializedValuepublicstring|undefinedundefinedThe serialized version of the model value. This value exists for maximal compatibility with the platform API. The serialized value can be an interface in context where data binding is not supported and a serialized string needs to be set. Examples: - For a date input, this would be the iso format of a date, e.g. '1999-01-20'. - For a number input this would be the String representation of a float ('1234.56' instead of 1234.56) When no parser is available, the value is usually the same as the formattedValue (being _inputNode.value)FormatMixin
_isPastingprotectedbooleanfalseWhether the user is pasting content. Allows Subclassers to do this in their subclass:FormatMixin
_isHandlingUserInputprotectedbooleanfalseFlag that will be set when user interaction takes place (for instance after an 'input' event). Will be added as meta info to the `model-value-changed` event. Depending on whether a user is interacting, formatting logic will be handled differently.FormatMixin
namepublicstring''The name the element will be registered with to the .formElements collection of the parent. Also, it serves as the key of key/value pairs in modelValue/serializedValue objectsFormRegisteringMixin
_parentFormGroupprotectedFormRegistrarHost | undefinedundefinedThe registrar this FormControl registers to, Usually a descendant of FormGroup or ChoiceGroupFormRegisteringMixin
allowCrossRootRegistrationpublicbooleanfalseTo encourage accessibility best practices, `form-element-register` events do not pierce through shadow roots. This forces the developer to create form groups and fieldsets that automatically allow the creation of accessible relationships in the same dom tree. Use this option if you know what you're doing. It will then be possible to nest FormControls inside shadow dom. See


NamePrivacyDescriptionParametersReturnInherited From
_preventDuplicateLabelClickprotectedThe native platform fires an event for both the click on the label, and also the redispatched click on the native input element. This results in two click events arriving at the host, but we only want one. This method prevents the duplicate click and ensures the correct isTrusted event with the correct arrives at the host.ev: EventChoiceInputMixin
_toggleCheckedprotectedev: EventChoiceInputMixin
_syncNameToParentFormGroupprotectedOverride this in case of extending ChoiceInputMixin and requiring to sync differently with parent form group name Right now it checks tag name match where the parent form group tagname should include the child field tagname ('checkbox' is included in 'checkbox-group')ChoiceInputMixin
_proxyInputEventprotectedThis can be called whenever the view value should be updated. Dependent on component type ("input" for <input> or "change" for <select>(mainly for IE)) a different event should be used as source for the "user-input-changed" event (which can be seen as an abstraction layer on top of other events (input, change, whatever))FormatMixin
_onModelValueChangedprotectedResponds to modelValue changes in the synchronous cycle (most subclassers should listen to the asynchronous cycle ('modelValue' in the .updated lifecycle)){ modelValue }, old: { modelValue:unknown }, newV: { modelValue:unknown }FormatMixin
parserpublicConverts viewValue to modelValue For instance, a localized date to a Date Objectv: string, opts: FormatOptions*FormatMixin
formatterpublicConverts modelValue to formattedValue (formattedValue will be synced with `._inputNode.value`) For instance, a Date object to a localized date.modelValue: ChoiceInputModelValuestringFormatMixin
_isEmptyprotectedUsed for required validator.ChoiceInputMixin
_syncValueUpwardsprotectedSynchronization from `._inputNode.value` to `LionField` (flow [2]) Downwards syncing should only happen for `LionField`.value changes from 'above'. This triggers _onModelValueChanged and connects user input to the parsing/formatting/serializing loop.FormatMixin
preprocessorpublicPreprocessors could be considered 'live formatters'. Their result is shown to the user on keyup instead of after blurring the field. The biggest difference between preprocessors and formatters is their moment of execution: preprocessors are run before modelValue is computed (and work based on view value), whereas formatters are run after the parser (and are based on modelValue) Automatically formats code while typing. It depends on a preprocessro that smartly updates the viewValue and caret position for best UX.v: string, opts: FormatOptions & { prevViewValue: string; currentCaretIndex: number }{ viewValue:string; caretIndex:number; }|string|undefinedFormatMixin
serializerpublicConverts `.modelValue` to `.serializedValue` For instance, a Date object to an iso formatted date stringv: ?stringFormatMixin
deserializerpublicConverts `.serializedValue` to `.modelValue` For instance, an iso formatted date string to a Date objectv: ??FormatMixin
_calculateValuesprotectedResponsible for storing all representations(modelValue, serializedValue, formattedValue and value) of the input value. Prevents infinite loops, so all value observers can be treated like they will only be called once, without indirectly calling other observers. (in fact, some are called twice, but the __preventRecursiveTrigger lock prevents the second call from having effect).{ source }, config: {source:'model'|'serialized'|'formatted'|null}FormatMixin
_dispatchModelValueChangedEventprotectedThis is wrapped in a distinct method, so that parents can control when the changed event is fired. For objects, a deep comparison might be needed.args: { modelValue: unknown; }[]FormatMixin
_reflectBackFormattedValueToUserprotectedSynchronization from `LionField.value` to `._inputNode.value` - flow [1] will always be reflected back - flow [2] will not be reflected back when this flow was triggered via `@user-input-changed` (this will happen later, when `formatOn` condition is met)FormatMixin
_reflectBackOnprotectedEvery time .formattedValue is attempted to sync to the view value (on change/blur and on modelValue change), this condition is checked. When enhancing it, it's recommended to call via `return this._myExtraCondition && super._reflectBackOn()`booleanFormatMixin
__onCompositionEventprotected{ type }, event: EventFormatMixin


NameTypeDescriptionInherited From


NameFieldInherited From

class: LionOptions, lion-options


NamePrivacyTypeDefaultDescriptionInherited From
registrationTargetpublic(FormRegistrarPortalHost & HTMLElement) | undefinedundefinedRegistration target: an element, usually in the body of the dom, that captures events and redispatches them on hostFormRegistrarPortalMixin


NameFieldInherited From