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Tooltip: API Table

class: LionTooltip, lion-tooltip


NamePrivacyTypeDefaultDescriptionInherited From
hasArrowpublicbooleanfalseWhether an arrow should be displayedArrowMixin
invokerRelationpublic'label'|'description''description'Decides whether the tooltip invoker text should be considered a description (sets aria-describedby) or a label (sets aria-labelledby).
configpublicPartial<OverlayConfig>{}Configure the many options of the `OverlayController`OverlayMixin
openedpublicbooleanfalseIf you add the opened attribute a dialog will be opened on page load. The invoker can be left out in case the user does not need to be able to reopen the dialog.OverlayMixin


NamePrivacyDescriptionParametersReturnInherited From
_defineOverlayConfigprotectedOverrides arrow and keepTogether modifier to be enabled, and adds onCreate and onUpdate hooks to sync from popper stateOverlayConfigOverlayMixin
_getPopperArrowConfigprotectedpopperConfigToExtendFrom: Partial<PopperOptions>Partial<PopperOptions>ArrowMixin
_defineOverlayprotected{ contentNode, invokerNode, referenceNode, backdropNode, contentWrapperNode }, config: DefineOverlayConfigOverlayControllerOverlayMixin
_setOpenedWithoutPropertyEffectsprotectedWhen the opened state is changed by an Application Developer,cthe OverlayController is requested to show/hide. It might happen that this request is not honoured (intercepted in before-hide for instance), so that we need to sync the controller state to this webcomponent again, preventing eternal loops.newOpened: booleanOverlayMixin
togglepublicToggles the overlayOverlayMixin
openpublicShows the overlayOverlayMixin
closepublicHides the overlayOverlayMixin
repositionOverlaypublicSometimes it's needed to recompute Popper position of an overlay, for instance when we have an opened combobox and the surrounding context changes (the space consumed by the textbox increases vertically)OverlayMixin
_isPermanentlyDisconnectedprotectedWhen we're moving around in dom, disconnectedCallback gets called. Before we decide to teardown, let's wait to see if we were not just moving nodes around.Promise<boolean>OverlayMixin


NameTypeDescriptionInherited From


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