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Overlays: API Table

class: OverlayController


NamePrivacyTypeDefaultDescriptionInherited From
backdropNodepublicHTMLElementThe element that is placed behind the contentNode. When not provided and `hasBackdrop` is true, a backdropNode will be automatically created
contentpublicHTMLDialogElement | HTMLDivElementThe contentWrapperNode
contentNodepublicHTMLElementThe most important element: the overlay itself
contentWrapperNodepublicHTMLElementThe wrapper element of contentNode, used to supply inline positioning styles. When a Popper arrow is needed, it acts as parent of the arrow node. Will be automatically created for global and non projected contentNodes. Required when used in shadow dom mode or when Popper arrow is supplied. Essential for allowing webcomponents to style their projected contentNodes
elementToFocusAfterHidepublicHTMLElementThe element that should be called `.focus()` on after dialog closes
handlesAccessibilitypublicbooleanFor non `isTooltip`: - sets aria-expanded="true/false" and aria-haspopup="true" on invokerNode - sets aria-controls on invokerNode - returns focus to invokerNode on hide - sets focus to overlay content(?) For `isTooltip`: - sets role="tooltip" and aria-labelledby/aria-describedby on the content
hasBackdroppublicbooleanWhether it should have a backdrop (currently exclusive to globalOverlayController)
hidesOnEscpublicbooleanHides the overlay when pressing [ esc ]
hidesOnOutsideClickpublicbooleanHides the overlay when clicking next to it, exluding invoker
hidesOnOutsideEscpublicbooleanHides the overlay when pressing esc, even when contentNode has no focus
inheritsReferenceWidthpublic'max' | 'full' | 'min' | 'none' | undefinedWill align contentNode with referenceNode (invokerNode by default) for local overlays. Usually needed for dropdowns. 'max' will prevent contentNode from exceeding width of referenceNode, 'min' guarantees that contentNode will be at least as wide as referenceNode. 'full' will make sure that the invoker width always is the same.
invokerpublicHTMLElement | undefinedThe invokerNode
invokerNodepublicHTMLElement | undefinedThe interactive element (usually a button) invoking the dialog or tooltip
invokerRelationpublic'label' | 'description'| undefinedBy default, the tooltip content is a 'description' for the invoker (uses aria-describedby). Setting this property to 'label' makes the content function as a label (via aria-labelledby)
isAlertDialogpublicThe alertdialog role is to be used on modal alert dialogs that interrupt a user's workflow to communicate an important message and require a response.
isBlockingpublicbooleanHides other overlays when mutiple are opened (currently exclusive to globalOverlayController)
isTooltippublicbooleanHas a totally different interaction- and accessibility pattern from all other overlays. Will behave as role="tooltip" element instead of a role="dialog" element
placementModepublic'global' | 'local' | undefinedDetermines the connection point in DOM (body vs next to invoker).
popperConfigpublicPopperOptionsPopper configuration. Will be used when placementMode is 'local'
preventsScrollpublicbooleanHides other overlays when mutiple are opened (currently exclusive to globalOverlayController)
referenceNodepublicHTMLElementThe element that is used to position the overlay content relative to. Usually, this is the same element as invokerNode. Should only be provided when invokerNode should not be positioned against.
trapsKeyboardFocuspublicbooleanRotates tab, implicitly set when 'isModal'
viewportConfigpublicViewportConfigViewport configuration. Will be used when placementMode is 'global'
_contentIdprotected`overlay-content--${Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 10)}`
_defaultConfigprotectedOverlayConfig{ placementMode: undefined, contentNode: config.contentNode, contentWrapperNode: config.contentWrapperNode, invokerNode: config.invokerNode, backdropNode: config.backdropNode, referenceNode: undefined, elementToFocusAfterHide: config.invokerNode, inheritsReferenceWidth: 'none', hasBackdrop: false, isBlocking: false, preventsScroll: false, trapsKeyboardFocus: false, hidesOnEsc: false, hidesOnOutsideEsc: false, hidesOnOutsideClick: false, isTooltip: false, isAlertDialog: false, invokerRelation: 'description', visibilityTriggerFunction: undefined, handlesAccessibility: false, popperConfig: { placement: 'top', strategy: 'fixed', modifiers: [ { name: 'preventOverflow', enabled: true, options: { boundariesElement: 'viewport', padding: 8, // viewport-margin for shifting/sliding }, }, { name: 'flip', options: { boundariesElement: 'viewport', padding: 16, // viewport-margin for flipping }, }, { name: 'offset', enabled: true, options: { offset: [0, 8], // horizontal and vertical margin (distance between popper and referenceElement) }, }, { name: 'arrow', enabled: false, }, ], }, viewportConfig: { placement: 'center', }, zIndex: 9999, }
_referenceNodeprotectedHTMLElement | undefined


NamePrivacyDescriptionParametersReturnInherited From
disableTrapsKeyboardFocuspublic{ findNewTrap = true }
showpublicelementToFocusAfterHide: HTMLElement
transitionHidepublicMethod to be overriden by subclassershideConfig: {backdropNode:HTMLElement, contentNode:HTMLElement}
transitionShowpublicTo be overridden by subclassersshowConfig: {backdropNode:HTMLElement; contentNode:HTMLElement}
updateConfigpublicAllows to dynamically change the overlay configuration. Needed in case the presentation of the overlay changes depending on screen size. Note that this method is the only allowed way to update a configuration of an OverlayController instance.cfgToAdd: OverlayConfig
_handleAccessibilityprotected{ phase }, config: { phase: OverlayPhase }
_handleBackdropprotectedSets up backdrop on the given overlay. If there was a backdrop on another element it is removed. Otherwise this is the first time displaying a backdrop, so a animation-in animation is played.{ phase }, config: { animation?: boolean, phase: OverlayPhase }
_handleBlockingprotected{ phase }, config: { phase: OverlayPhase }
_handleFeaturesprotectedAll features are handled here.{ phase }, config: { phase: OverlayPhase }
_handleHidesOnEscprotected{ phase }, config: { phase: OverlayPhase }
_handleHidesOnOutsideClickprotected{ phase }, config: { phase: OverlayPhase }
_handleHidesOnOutsideEscprotected{ phase }, config: { phase: OverlayPhase }
_handlePositionprotected{ phase }, config: { phase: OverlayPhase }
_handlePreventsScrollprotected{ phase }, config: { phase: OverlayPhase }
_handleTrapsKeyboardFocusprotected{ phase }, config: { phase: OverlayPhase }
_handleVisibilityTriggersprotected{ phase }, config: { phase: OverlayPhase }
_handleZIndexprotectedDisplay local overlays on top of elements with no z-index that appear later in the DOM{ phase }, config: { phase: OverlayPhase }
_keepBodySizeprotected{ phase }, config: { phase: OverlayPhase }
_transitionHideprotected{ backdropNode, contentNode }, hideConfig: {backdropNode:HTMLElement, contentNode:HTMLElement}
_transitionShowprotectedshowConfig: {backdropNode:HTMLElement; contentNode:HTMLElement}


NameTypeDescriptionInherited From

class: OverlaysManager


NamePrivacyTypeDefaultDescriptionInherited From
listpublicno setter as .list is intended to be read-only You can use .add or .remove to modify it
shownListpublicno setter as .shownList is intended to be read-only You can use .show or .hide on individual controllers to modify
siblingsInertpublicFeatures right now only for Global Overlay Manager


NamePrivacyDescriptionParametersReturnInherited From
addpublicRegisters an overlay controller.ctrlToAdd: OverlayControllerOverlayController
hidepublicctrlToHide: any
informTrapsKeyboardFocusGotDisabledpublic{ disabledCtrl, findNewTrap = true }, options: { disabledCtrl?:OverlayController, findNewTrap?:boolean }
informTrapsKeyboardFocusGotEnabledpublicplacementMode: 'local' | 'global' | undefined
removepublicctrlToRemove: OverlayController
requestToShowOnlypublicBlockingblockingCtrl: OverlayController
retractRequestToShowOnlypublicblockingCtrl: OverlayController
showpublicctrlToShow: OverlayController